Monday, May 3, 2010

You will be missed!!!!

With great sadness I said goodbye to Nancy, my wife and best friend, Sunday afternoon. She was an incredible lady who touched the lives of many people. It's hard to believe she is gone, but I know she is dancing with Jesus. Thank you sweetheart for a wonderful 25 years together. I love you and I will miss you so so much. Dance twinkletoes, dance. I love you! Brian Bass

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Faith in the Faithful

Good evening everyone,
I was replying to an email today and I kind of got on a roll, so I decided why retype it, so I didn’t. I typed it for me but you make it true for you, ok? Anyway, thanks everybody for keeping me and especially my family in your prayers. Also please remember to pray for my brother in law Brett and his family in Oklahoma. He is battling cancer.
When it comes down to brass tacks, doctors really aren’t that amazing. I mean thank God for them, but they don’t know a whole lot, really. More often than not, they are just managing symptoms. Real medical cures are few and far between with the exception of antibiotics. No, we need something better, something more powerful, more reliable. We need a Healer.
Good news, we have one! Jesus Christ, the faithful and true, is our Healer.
Recently things have not looked good around here. At times my vision for the future has shrunk to just getting the next breath.

I have to admit, my hopes have faded, but the Lord is restoring them, thanks be to God. Even though man’s faith fails, God is still faithful. His grace brings me back, time after time, to the truth. God is real. He is living, from forever to forever. He loves me, really truly loves me !! jesus was really born of a virgin,, really lived on this earth as a man, really died a horrible criminal’s death, for my sins. Really was beaten, not just by the soldiers, but by the hand of God. He bore my sicknesses, He carried my pains. He was sentenced to death, which I deserved. He went to hell. I should have, but He took my place. He defeated the devil stripped him of all power, and paraded him around heaven and hell. He took His blood, the most costly and precious substance in the universe, and cleansed the temple in heaven with it. He put that blood on the altar, forever erasing my sins, even the ones I haven’t done yet. He was actually raised from the dead, walking physically among us for forty days or so, then he ascended into heaven where He sits today at the right hand of God the Father, forever living to make intercession for me. I have access to the Creator, my Father, through the blood of Christ. Now, when God looks at me, He sees me through the blood and I am clean, pure and free. Free from sin, shame, sickness, poverty and every other curse, free to live long and be well , free to be a blessing to others. Jesus loves me! He is real and he loves me!
While things in this earth are not yet perfect, and I may not yet be obtaining everything He bought for me, yet, this I know ; Jesus loves me. He has never and will never leave me. He paid it all for me. When everyone else has spent every last shred of patience and they are way past done, His has just barely begun.
Keeping Him in mind is the challenge.
You would think it would be easy to remember the truth. why does the world get in the way of the truth? I know the truth and the truth makes me free. And so, the world must yield to the truth. Praise God!!

Healed and whole,

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Stormy Weather

Good afternoon everybody,
Matthew 8 tells a familiar story, one that I want us to ponder today.
18 When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he instructed his disciples to cross to the other side of the lake.
23 Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. 24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
26 Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.
27 The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!”

Notice that right at the start of this story, Jesus gave His disciples a job to do, a goal, a directive. So in His mind, it was as good as done. So he decided to get some shut eye. Even when the waves literally broke into the boat, soaking Him, He refused to let the devil steal His rest. Remember, He said cross to the other side. So they will.
Now the disciples were not that confident. Sure they heard from the Lord. They had a job to do and they were putting everything they had into it. Completely sold out, living for Jesus.
But while they were out there, a deadly storm appeared out of nowhere. It looked like and felt like there was no way possible, no cure, no escape. In their eyes, this was it. They were goners. BUT did the goal change, ‘cross to the other side’? No. And who is with them in the boat? The Man who they watched cast out devils, feed multitudes, and heal scores of thousands of sick people. He is right there with them, but… Is He aware of the situation? I mean, fast asleep while being drenched. Not very aware.
How many of us have been there, in the middle of a storm that screams, ‘I am taking you out’? And it seems as though if Jesus is there, He somehow doesn’t quite understand the gravity of it all. In another account of the same story, the disciples asked Jesus if He cared that they were drowning. Have you been there?

I, and my family, are in that kind of storm right now. Medical reports go from bad to worse. In the natural, all hope is gone. BUT, did the goal change? NO!! Did Jesus say to try to cross to the other side, unless you run into a problem? No. He said that He would be with us, never leave us. He said he overcame, to be of good cheer.
Friends, it will look like you have lost your marbles when you say God’s word about your situation. They will think you are in denial. Nuttier than a fruitcake. But when your boat is sinking and there is only one lifeline, the living Word, you have a choice.
The disciples were sure they were sunk. Water was coming in faster than they could bail it out. As soon as they could get up, another wave would knock them off their feet again. But when they woke up Jesus, did he say ‘I understand, boys, this problem is a big problem. Good thing you got me up!’ no, he didn’t say that. He apparently had expected something more from them. He said why are you so afraid? Where is your faith? (if I were there, I might have thought, ‘it left with that last wave that knocked me down.) =)
That is a tall order. Not being afraid. Were they supposed to just keep rowing as if there was no storm? No, that would be denial. Did Jesus actually expect them to do something about the storm? Like He did?
We are not the healer. We can’t scrunch up our eyes, say Jesus name three times and make the symptoms disappear. But we can do something. We can focus on the goal. There is a destiny, a plan for our hope and future. We can agree in our hearts and out loud with what the living, powerful Word says about our storm. This is not denial. It is setting the thermostat of our lives with the most powerful heat pump in the universe!
Recently I have been full of fear, absolutely tormented by it night and day. I gave the devil a place and he took it. Today I renew my commitment to be fear free. Sounds impossible, but with God all things are possible. Please pray for me and my family. I love y’all dearly!
Healed by His stripes,
Nancy Bass

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

See yourself well

Good afternoon everybody. This is from Kenneth Hagin’s devotional, Health Food Devotional. He is telling someone a snippet of his life story, and it really blessed me. I think you might get something out of it, as well.

Let them [God's words] not depart from thine eyes.... (Prov. 4:21)
I shared with this dear old woman, "The doctors said I was dying. I lived and relived my death over and over in my mind. In my mind's eye, I saw the doctors turn my body over to the undertaker to prepare it for burial. I saw them take the casket and go to the church. I saw them roll the casket down the aisle and set it before the pulpit.

"I heard the people sing the last song and pray the last prayer. I saw them close the lid and roll the casket down the aisle. I saw the pallbearers put it into the hearse. I saw the funeral procession. I saw all of this many times in my mind.

"I watched as a graveside prayer was said. I saw everyone leave. I saw them put the casket into the ground. I saw the flowers on the fresh mound of dirt. I saw the flowers wither and die. I saw the hot sun of summer beat down on the grave. I saw myself dead.

"But I got hold of Proverbs 4:21 and began to see myself alive. I asked myself, 'What would I do if I were up?' I said, 'I'd preach. That's what I'd do.' So I began to make sermon notes and get ready to preach."

I said to the woman, "See yourself well. See your huge stomach shrunk down to its normal size. See yourself preaching again. See yourself traveling and holding meetings. It doesn't matter if you are eighty-two years old. God doesn't want you to die like this. God wants to heal you."

Ten months later, I went back to that church, and that woman was perfectly healed! She was traveling and preaching. Instead of looking eighty-two years old, she didn't look a day over fifty-five.

She said to the pastor and me, "I'm sure glad you didn't let me die. I just came back from my first meeting since I received my healing. I'm going to preach all summer and the rest of the winter.

"I did what you said, Brother Hagin. I began to see myself well. I looked at my huge stomach and saw it flat." She had kept the Word of God before her eyes.

I see myself well. I see every symptom leaving. I see myself living a normal and healthy life.
Source: Health Food

What do you see?
I see myself breathing without help. I see myself eating.
I see myself walking. I see myself hugging my children.
I see myself dressed up, going places.
I see myself sharing the gospel. Around the world! With my family.
I see us financially able to make a difference in the lives of everyone God puts in our path.
If you don’t see God’s bright future for you, change your mind. Renew it like romans 12:2 says.
I love y’all dearly!
Healed by His stripes,
Nancy Bass

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You will Reap

Good evening everyone,
Psalm 126 has beautiful words of hope,

1 When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem,[a]
it was like a dream!
2 We were filled with laughter,
and we sang for joy.
And the other nations said,
“What amazing things the Lord has done for them.”
3 Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us!
What joy!
4 Restore our fortunes, Lord,
as streams renew the desert.
5 Those who plant in tears
will harvest with shouts of joy.
6 They weep as they go to plant their seed,
but they sing as they return with the harvest.

Do you feel like every day you are planting seeds in sorrow? Not only financial, but seeds of love, time, faith, forgiveness, anything. If it seems difficult, like you don’t have anything left to give, this is for you. You have the promise of the Lord of Hosts, the God who cannot lie, guaranteed by the Blood of Jesus. You will reap in joy. You WILL!
Merry Christmas everybody, I love y’all dearly!
Healed by His stripes,
Nancy Bass

Monday, December 21, 2009

Psalm 118

Good afternoon everybody,
Psalm 118 is simply wonderful! In the old testament, physical enemies are types, or examples, of the forces we fight daily in the spirit. So check this out.

10 Though hostile nations surrounded me,
I destroyed them all with the authority of the Lord.
11 Yes, they surrounded and attacked me,
but I destroyed them all with the authority of the Lord.
12 They swarmed around me like bees;
they blazed against me like a crackling fire.
But I destroyed them all with the authority of the Lord.
13 My enemies did their best to kill me,
but the Lord rescued me.
14 The Lord is my strength and my song;
he has given me victory.
15 Songs of joy and victory are sung in the camp of the godly.
The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!
16 The strong right arm of the Lord is raised in triumph.
The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!
17 I will not die; instead, I will live
to tell what the Lord has done.

So I (we) have his promise, we will not die but live to tell what the Lord has done. Why? Because the strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things! When a king extends his scepter of authority, it is with his right arm. The Lord has extended His authority to us. We bear His name and everything that name means. Talk about marrying UP! =)
Did verses 10-12 say that the Lord destroyed the enemies? No, it says we destroyed them with the authority of the Lord.
Notice that the Lord HAS DONE glorious things, not someday in the sweet by and by, but in the here and now. He GAVE us His authority, we use it, and He backs it with His strong right arm. How do we use His authority? With our words. Every word we speak carries His authority, even the not good words. So, ‘be careful little mouth, what you say’ (children’s song)
The end result is triumph!
I love y’all dearly!
Healed by His stripes,
Nancy Bass

Saturday, December 19, 2009

AbraHAM, please

Good afternoon everybody,
In Genesis, there is a man named Abram. He had been blessed by God, beat kings in battle, walked through the blood in covenant with God Himself, and had Ishmael in his own strength. He has been shown the stars in the sky, representing the number of children he will have. And still does not have the child of promise. Abram is ninety nine, and Ishmael is thirteen. And now God promises specifically that Sarai will be the mother, and he laughs. She is 90. Abram asks God to bless Ishmael, so he won’t have to work his faith anymore. You know, walking by faith is not easy. With each passing month, Sarai was getting older. She was barren all her life, and gave up hope when she gave her servant to Abram for bearing a child.
So Abram laughs and asks God to bless Ishmael. God has another plan, though, and it involves (uh huh) more faith. He calls Abram (meaning ‘exalted father’) a new name, Abraham (meaning ‘father of many’) and Sarai Sarah.
Now Abraham has a choice… every time someone calls him Abram, he can ignore it and leave well enough alone or he can say, ‘I am Abraham now.’ He can make it a private thing between him and God, or risk being a laughingstock by making everyone call him Abraham. I mean, he had hundreds of servants, he was envied by kings. They might have been snickering behind his back.
Did he know that if he kept quiet, he could hinder the plan of God? I don’t know. But he did make it public, gave God glory ahead of time, and had Isaac about a year later!
So why did I choose this story? Because I was given a name a few years back, when I was walking with a walker. Several ladies called me by this name, but I was, well, a little embarrassed by it. I wasn’t sure it was really from the Lord. I didn’t think it was that important, and maybe it isn’t. But then this year someone else called me by this name, so maybe it is from the Lord. Maybe I should not be embarrassed by it. Well, here goes. The name is twinkletoes. Sounds ridiculous to me. But I bet Abraham sounded funny to Abraham while he was still Abram.
So I am twinkletoes. :} quite a faith statement. It refers to a dancer who is especially graceful on her feet. Usually little girls.

Has the Lord given you a name, or a word for your future ? Remember, every word in the New testament is written to you personally. Every word in the old testament is an example for you. He calls you righteous. He calls you His child, His brother, His bride. He calls you healed. He calls you blessed. He calls you strong. He even calls you rich. It’s all in the new testament. You!
Now the question is, will you call yourself all that? Will you, will I, look at the ‘seen’ stuff to dictate who we are, or will we call ourselves what God calls us? God looks at us only through eyes of faith. Why? Because it is who He is! Ephesians 5 says to imitate Him. Why? Because it is who you are!
I call myself righteous, His child, brother and bride, healed, blessed, strong and rich. And yes, I call myself twinkletoes, too. I believe I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. You will too!!!
I love y’all dearly,

Healed by His stripes,
Nancy Bass